Fishing With Scotto
Fishing Tackle & Travel Consultancy. Freelance Journalism & Photography
Behind Fishing With Scotto
So many fish - So little time!
A lot of you will know we founded & operated “The Alpine Angler” specialist fresh water & fly fishing tackle store in Cooma, NSW from 1991. With over 20 years in the fishing tackle retail industry we have decided on a change of “lifestyle and climate”, selling our business in September 2006. We now live in Hervey Bay Queensland which offers one of the most diverse fisheries in the country. You can now follow our fishing exploits via the” fishing articles and blogs” page and believe you’ll be Hooked on Hervey Bay as well !
Many will also know me as “Scotto” from the various fishing web site forums I frequent. I have been active on the NET for over two decades and enjoy the freedom of information and speed in which breaking news and techniques can be delivered to anglers around the world. If you want to know some thing today you just “Google” it or post on a forum and get an answer in minutes. The trick is being confident that the information you are receiving is credible.

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Latest Blogs and Articles

Finally back in my happy place !
2024 was the least I have fished In my life due to tearing the tendon in my right forearm which is also my casting arm.

I NEED to go fishing – I Know!
I did some BIG trips in 2023 chasing BIG fish on the fly using #12 wht rods – which resulted in tearing the tendon on

CXI – Christmas Island – Still as good as ever!
Christmas Island has to be the most consistent bone fisheries on the planet and it offers great value for money as well. An average weeks

Arapaima “Spirit of the Jungle” Part 2
Arapaima’s mouths are almost all bone , which makes it difficult to set a hook . You need to master the “Jiu Jitsu” hook set

Arapaima “Spirit of the Jungle” Part 1
Few trips have exceeded my expectations – “Pirarucu” in the Amazon did on every level ! Pirarucu is operated by Untamed Angling out from “Uakari

Tarpon Fishing in Jupiter Florida USA
Few fish are cooler on fly than BIG tarpon in shallow water and Florida is still one of the best places on the planet to

My Story
Years of Experience
With over 30 years of diverse angling & travel experience behind me you can be assured that the tackle & equipment I use is amongst the best available. Through this web site I’ll be endeavoring to bring you details on the latest tackle trends and techniques along with travel details and information from great locations around Australia and over seas.
I have written for some of our countries leading fishing publications as a free lance journalist since the early 1980’s and have proudly appeared on a number of covers during this time. I also have quite a large archive of photography covering a wide variety of angling destinations, species and perspectives which can be purchased. Go to the photography page for samples and previous magazine cover shots. I will also include some of my more popular and informative articles for future reference from my fishing reports and articles archives.