Fishing Norfolk Island July 2022 – Part 1

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I have wanted to visit Norfolk Island since my Grandmother Pearl brought me back a t-shirt saying “I escaped from Norfolk Island ” as she LOVED the island and visited several times 🙂

I now understand why everyone who visits Norfolk Island falls in love – it really is beautiful and has an interesting history.

We stayed at – with cabins 9, 10, 11 & 12 offering a lovely outlook towards Phillip Island 😉
There are no boat ramps or marinas on Norfolk Island – so boats are launched using a crane at Cascade Pier on the Northern side of the island.
And a hoist/pully system which they use in conjunction with their vehicles over at Kingston Pier on the South side of the island.

It’s not often I go anywhere and not plan to get some fishing in at some stage, and Norfolk Island really does have an untapped sport fishery!

The fishing around Norfolk Island is very weather dependent, and I was lucky to get two great days out with Scotty, who runs “Greenwoods Fishing Adventures”, Scotty has grown up fishing the waters around Norfolk since he could walk and has some amazing land-based captures to his credit and is currently pioneering the sport and game-fishing options offshore.

We headed out from Cascade Pier on our first day, and it didn’t take long to open my Kingfish Account.

I haven’t caught a good kingfish in many years as we don’t get many around Hervey Bay, and the last one I caught was out at Lord Howe Island a few years back 😉

This is Jason, who is another obsessed fisherman, and he joined us on both days as well. The jigging was hectic from the first to the last drop!
I even managed a couple of Almaco Jacks, a.k.a. high fin amberjack 😉
We even had Scotty on the rod to share the struggle at times – with double and triple hookups being common!
Norfolk Island is also home to HUGE Silver trevally ( Pseudocaranx dentex ) 😉
No day on the water around Norfolk Island is complete without a few trumpeter or red-throat emperor -which is the island’s staple eating fish as well.
The scenery along the Northern shores of Norfolk Island is stunning and is littered with sea stacks in distinctive shapes and sizes – almost like a sculpture park in the sea!
This is Cathedral Rock – which has a tunnel or cave through its centre
This elephant rock – for obvious reasons 😉
Scotty even took us through this amazing archway in the boat 😉
There are a few sharks around both piers that get well fed during fishing cleaning sessions 😉
This is the video from my first day out from “Cascade Pier” on the Northern side of Norfolk Island with Scotty and Jason – I’ll post our second day out from Kingston Pier as “Part 2 ” next 🙂

For fishing charter bookings, message Scotty via his Facebook page –

Cya’s next trip Scotto

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