Had my mate Lee Parkhouse up this week for his honeymoon with wife Sara – who requested a trip out to see the whales to balance the fishing

It was a stunning day to be on the water & it didn’t take long to find our 1st whale

While drifting for lunch – we had a couple of visitors arrive unannounced !

I have to say whale breath has a unique smell

It is an amazing experience when these huge mammals decide to interact with you up close !

Now that’s just showing off

They really appeared to want to interact with us and you could see them checking us out with their huge eyes !

You start to get a feel for their size in this shot !

Newlyweds Lee & Sara

I am sure Sara & lee will remember their honeymoon in Hervey bay – where they got to share it with the whales !

We where actually joined by two more adults after mum & calf left us – and where mobbed by 6 others at the same time on our way home !

Posted a little video of the encouter on Utube as well – http://youtu.be/xj1sIQ4l6ak
It truly was an amazing day & encounter – How Good Is Hervey Bay