Big day at the Gutters !

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After 3 big bays at the AFTA show playing with all the new gear I was in “need” of a fish once we got home & with a glamour forecast Katrina & I headed straight to the gutters …..

The 1st fish in the boat was a surprise yellowfin that ate the Squidgy 160mm wriggler in white lightning selected for a snapper !

Katrina managed one of our target species next ….

Following up next cast with a better fish !

What I initially thought was the snapper from hell – turned out to be the biggest Goldy I have ever caught !

I followed it next cast with another one nearly identical in size – talk about go hard on 20lb snapper gear !

This lovely trout was a surprise on the Squidgy 125mm Whipbait again in White Lightning ..

Even this lovely Spangled emperor liked the Squidgy Whipbait in White Lightning …

Finished the day off with another cracking Goldy ! It was a fantastic day on the water with plenty more to come with stable winter weather patterns & hopefully a few  more snapper  

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