Lenthall Dam – Bass & barra Releases 2009

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Lenthall Dam – Bass & barra Release 2009

The Fraser Coast Fish Stocking Association ( FCFSA ) has worked hard over the last 12 months & has just competed the best part of the job – putting the fish in the dam.

Bill Proctor first confirmed our order of 55,000 smiling healthy baby Bass  (all between 47 and 65mm)on November 16th 2009.

On the 5th of December 2009 the FCFSA again meet out at the dam in anticipation of receiving 15,000 barra fingerling’s. The group has struggled to source barra fingerling’s over the last two seasons – with the last stocking of 12,000 barra being in December 2007.

Kurt Huntchby from the Gladstone Area Water board Hatchery was our supplier this year – with 15,000- barra fingerlings between 55-100mm

The group quickly transferred these fish to holding buckets with Johnson pumps & distributed them through out all three arms of the dam. It was a fantastic day weather wise & a few of the members even managed to catch a few fish with Nath landing 3 barra between 70-75mm on stick baits & Al landing one on a Squidgy frog.

A special thanks must be made for the service & support shown by the new rangers Rob & Andy – who also cooked up a feast of fine snags on both days. The FCFSA would also like to thanks Wide Bay Water for their support in purchasing 5000 bass this year & all of our other local sponsors & SIP’s anglers who nominate Lenthalls Dam – with out this support the FCFSA would not have the funds to purchase these fish.

The dam looks fantastic & has been fishing well recently. Now the water quality has stabilized ,the amount of food on the menu at present is amazing with bony bream flicking every where & yabbies crawling in all directions – our new recruits should grow & prosper quickly !


Scott Mitchell

President FCFSA 

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