Fishing with Tak – They should call this place variety !

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We had our mate from Shimano Tak come up and stay with us for a week mid-November with a list of new species he wanted to tick off while testing out some new gear. His 1st species was a threadfin salmon with this one falling to a Spanyid soft vibe 

Next up was a marlin as we had been experiencing one of the hottest bites I have ever seen in the Bay  …

Running a daisy chain teaser and a couple of skipping gar on circle hooks it didn’t take us long before Tak had his 1st black marlin on 

Tak with his 1st black marlin boat side after it had put on an awesome arial display !

Tak with a better than  average fish of around 35kgs – which was quickly released after this shot and swam off strongly 

We managed 6 marlin over the two days and only put in a few hours each day on the tide change before heading off to chase other stuff  

Tak introduced us to a Japanese custom of celebrating each new species capture with a “Victory beer” regardless of time of day – I recon it could catch on 

Next up on Tak’s list was a longtail ….

Not a bad fish to open your account with – this longtail fell to a Squidgy Whipbait in white lightning fished deep around a bait school 

Sharks don’t normally eat our Mac tuna – but glad they chose this one over the longtail  ….

This is what they look like whole 

There where some quality spotted mackerel about as well !

Another solid Mac !

Tak scored this cracking giant herring working a Squidgy Whipbait in white lightning deep around another bait ball !

It was an epic 5 days on the water with some quality fish caught & lost.  I recon the fishing won’t be the same for Tak when he gets back home in Sydney & we left a few species off the list for his next visist #howgoodisherveybay 

So many fish – Scotto

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