Katrina’s BIG Flattie

Katrina with her PB Flathead caught from our Hobie Kayak at Point Vernon.
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Katrina and I are really enjoying our new Hobie Outfitter Kayak

Headed out from gatakers at Point Vernon for a quick afternoon session – Katrina hooked a small cod which was then eaten by this beautiful BIG flattie. It actually spat the cod out at the boat , but Katrina’s quick thinking dropped it back & the big girl ate it again – BUT wait there’s more – it dropped it again when it came to the surface – so Katrina fed the poor cod back once more – this time the old girl ate it properly & we got her in the net – just !

You can just see the poor cods tail 

 – she was just over 90cm !

We also managed half a dozen reasonable bream :-

And finished off with another Cod – minus the flattie 

Happy Yakkin – Scotto

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