Lenthalls Barra Salvage

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Wide Bay Water approved the Fraser Coast Fish Stocking Association ( FCFSA ) to access the stilling basin below Lenthalls dam this week so they could attempt to salvage barramundi that were trapped there after the last over flows.

Wide Bay Water engaged a consultant who provided electro fishing equipment to assist with this effort , with a total of 22 barramundi being liberated back to Lenthalls dam during the day.

A net was run across the top of the basin to stop the fish from fleeing the shallows – then it was just a matter of shocking them so they could be collected & carried back to the dam. This was a big effort for all involved due to the steep climb back out of the basin area with thanks going to all involved.

What is really needed – is a channel to be cut between the stilling basin & the next weir to allow fish un-restricted access downstream whenever they go over the dam wall in the future. This is the second time the Fraser Coast Fish Stocking Association have rescued fish  from the basin, being more difficult this time due to the size of the fish which ranged between 300mm & 850 mm .

NOTE – It is illegal to fish below the spillway and permission must be granted to access this area by Wide Bay Water & monitored by the onsite ranger.

*Photos supplied courtesy of Paul Dolan & Alan Manson FCFSA

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