It might seem like only yesterday, but it’s actually been 26 years since the first Stella spin reels hit the market. Since then, we’ve seen massive improvements with each technical makeover they have received, and that tradition continues with the latest release, the FJ series !

The new Shimano Stella FJ has the smoothest, most efficient drive train Shimano has ever engineered with unprecedented durability. The Introduction of the newly engineered Micro Module II with unique gear teeth and surface design delivers amazing smoothness and durability above the more already unmatched Hagane gear quality.

X-Protect makes the new Stella up to five times more resistant to the long term damaging effects of water than the previous model, which won’t effect the reels smoothness and operation after years of use. Silent Drive further enhances Shimano’s engineering in the pursuit of perfection, almost every tolerance aspect of the reel that could be improved to reduce wobble and play has been completely overhauled. Creating an ultimate feeling and silence of operation not felt in any reel before the Stella FJ.

Hagane Gear, Hagane Body, X-Ship, G-Free Body, Anti-Tangle Rotor long stroke spool and a host of other key Shimano technologies round out what is evidently the new benchmark in spinning reels, the Stella FJ.

#Shimano #Scotto #FishingWithScotto

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