Winter has arrived along with the bream,flatty’s and snapper !

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My favourite finnesse plastics rod has always been a custom built Ian Miller G Loomis IMX 842-2 – BUT I must say I am loving the Anarchy Light Spin 702 – Shimano Stella 2500FI combo 

I do love chasing bream,flathead & whiting on plastics over winter – and they love the New Squidgy Prawns !

Katrina with another flats bream on a Squidgy Prawn in bloodworm !

Flathead love the new Squidgy Prawns as well !

If you haven’t tried the new Squidgy Prawns – I suggest you give them a try 

Its been a great start to our snapper season here in Hervey Bay with some lovely fish about during this last lead up to full moon. This one ate a 160mm Squidgy Wriggler in white lightning !

The 3 days leading up to a full moon are always worth a try for snapper – we also find the afternoon/evening sessions more productive than mornings  

As the light gets low it pays to switch to a lumo lure with the old faithfull Squidgy 140mm Glo Wriggler being a favourite 

Katrina with a lovely 76cm snapper which also liked the Glo Wriggler – and yes it was the biggest fish of the session 

Beautiful light to finish off what was a great snapper session – bring on the next one 

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