Squiding with Scotto

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Katrina & I enjoy nothing more than a feed of fresh calamari and recently spend a day on the bay in search of our local squid.

My favourite squid combo consists of a Shimano Sephia 762L rod matched with a Shimano Stradic Ci4 3000 spooled with 5lb Power pro braid and a 10lb leader. We used Sephia Egixile jigs in both natural and bright colours for great results.

I like to take my time when landing squid and allow them to get the ink out of their systems prior to netting – just let them go with out to much pressure each time and bow the rod so as not to pull the barbs out

You will see them change colour prior to shooting their ink …

Better out than in I say 

Squid cant resist the Shimano premium Sephia Egixile jigs – I like the bright colours over a dark bottom and the more natural colours in clear sunny conditions

The colours in a freshly caught squid are truly amazing 

I apply some Squidgy S-Factor to my Sephia Egixile jigs and find that once they get ahold of them they won’t let go !

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